Would like to presenter you, sir?
I name Rachid YAHOU, am a chief editor and a journalist of the weekly who carries(wears) my name " THE RACHID YAHOU " and am Algerian-Berber.
That could say yourselves of your " banks? "
If you hear(understand) my age there, I shall say to you that I am fifty two years old!
Be to trust of your ancetres? Why?
The pride of my ancètres the Berber dates my birth. Why? Simply to have fought(disputed) the invaders among whom some continue to occupy my country.
What is the culture which seems to you most interessante?
All the cultures are intéréssantes except the good those évidement who lançent calls(appeals) to the murder, who assert themselves by actions(shares) of terror.
Why is this culture if spéçifique, spéçiale even?
The Berber culture is spéçiale due to its ançienneté. I inform you that the Berber language is one of the former(old).
Whom(That) is that mean for you the fetes of your country? Are they the memes that the fetes of your family?
The family holidays(name-days) are soaked(filled) with customs that the State does not still arrive at reconnaitre.
The origin of the problems of your country?
The problems that vitl' algérie are directly bound(connected) to the oriental colonization which continues and which preservation under the Arabian ideology Islam or " bathisme ".
Why to have chosen the journalism?
Having to create the Berber group of singing(song) " Yugurthen " with my friends, Hocine SADI and Mustapha LAHCENE, I believed that the song was in the time(period) the only means of expression. The time(weather) eventually gave(looked) me reason. The appearance of political opening arisen from the bloody events of October 05th, 1988
Gave me this idea to overturn into the journalism having militated in the F.F.S, a party of which I was one of the main people in charge and that I have quité on certain 20.01.1991.
What means the journalism for you?
The journalism means for me a fight(wrestling) relentlessly to inform, always inform, awaken in a sense conciences.
Believe you that this activite is the only one who gives the possibilite to express opinions?
The journalism is not a means of awakening of opinions but a space where everyone has to give freely his thoughts. It makes left a set(group) and is a complement to the other groups as are it political formations.
How have you pû to strengthen your carriere?
By persevering in the journalism, I have pû strengthened my experiences, by challenging the sowers of her(it) died, those who switch off the lights, those who fight(dispute) the family which advances(moves).
The eminent personalities according to you.
The singers Matoub LOUNES murdered on 25.06.1998 in Kabylia by the Islamists, Lounis AIT-MENGUELET, regretted Slimane AZEM, KACI Abderrrahmane, MOH-Oussaid and many other singers of Berber expression, the writers Mouloud MAMMERI, Mouloud FERAOUN, Fire(Light) Tahar DJAOUT, MOHAMED Dib. As for the politicians, Except El-Hachemi CHERIF,The léader of the Movement for the Social Democracy, I see openly(frankly) nobody. Finally, the Writers in Cehf who are at the moment in prison, Mohamed BENCHICOU of the every day life(daily paper) "Le Matin" and Ahmed BENAAOUM of the publishing conglomerate " Rai " who gathers(combines) within it, the weekly "Detective", the every day life(daily paper) "Le journal de l'ouest" and the every day life(daily paper) arabophone " Roamed " has my preference. This does not mean that I under respect the others far from there.
What do they deserve?
A big remerçiement. I remerçie those who contribute to the freedom of expression that they are journalists, politicians, intéllectuel, artists or the others.
Did you resolve a problem?
There I have pû through articles lançer of the shouts of distress so that we take charge for example of
Article publié le mercredi 15 juin 2005
3027 lectures